Other Ways to Say WHAT’S UP, Different Ways to Say WHAT’S UP, 25 Ways to Say WHAT’S UP in Speaking;
1. How’s life treating you?
2. What’s going on?
3. What’s happening?
4. What’s new with you?
5. what’s poppin?
6. What’s new?
7. What’s shaking?
8. What’s sizzlin?
9. What’s up buttercup?
10. Whatcha doin?
11. Anything new with you?
12. Well hello there!
13. What are you doing?
14. What are you up to?
15. What’s cookin’?
16. How is it going?
17. Yo!
18. Wazzup!
19. Wagvan?
20. Hello!
21. Hi
22. Hey there!
23. How are you?
24. Howdy?
25. Sup?