Contractions With Subjects in English

English Contractions With Subjects List;

Contractions With Subjects in English

II am = I’mI have = I’ve
YouYou are = You’reYou have = You’ve
HeHe is = He’sHe has = He’s
SheShe is = She’sShe has = She’s
ItIt is = It’sIt has = It’s
WeWe are = We’reWe have = We’ve
TheyThey are = They’reThey have = They’ve
ThatThat is = That’sThat has = That’s
TheseThese are = These’reThese have = These’ve
ThereThere is = There’sThere has = There’s
WhoWho is = Who’sWho has = Who’s
WhatWhat are = What’reWhat have = What’ve
WhereWhere is = Where’sWhere has = Where’s
WhenWhen is = When’sWhen has = When’s
WhyWhy is = Why’sWhy has = Why’s
HowHow are = How’reHow have = How’ve


I had = I’dI will = I’ll
YouYou had = You’dYou will =You’ll
HeHe had = He’dHe will = He’ ll
SheShe had = She’dShe will = She’ll
ItIt had = It’dIt will = It’ll
WeWe had = We’dWe will = We’ll
TheyThey had = They’dThey will = They’ll
ThatThat had = That’dThat will = That’ll
TheseThese had = These’dThese will = These’ ll
ThereThere had = There’dThere will = There’ll
WhoWho had = Who’dWho will = Who’ll
WhatWhat had = What’dWhat will = What’ll
WhereWhere had = Where’dWhere will = Where’ ll
WhenWhen had = When’dWhen will = When’ ll
WhyWhy had = Why’dWhy will = Why’ ll
HowHow had = How’dHow will = How’ ll


II would = I’d
YouYou would =You’d
HeHe would = He’ d
SheShe would = She’d
ItIt would = It’d
WeWe would = We’d
TheyThey would = They’d
ThatThat would = That’d
TheseThese would = These’ d
ThereThere would = There’d
WhoWho would = Who’d
WhatWhat would = What’d
WhereWhere would = Where’ d
WhenWhen would = When’ d
WhyWhy would = Why’ d
HowHow would = How’ d